houses are work, and houses work best when you work on them

I think of my house, my building, as an eco system. Many folks are familiar with cascading failures: when the heat goes out and the pipes freeze and the whatever horrible thing happens next. I try for stacking success instead. While out on my igloo adventure I hired the worlds best handy man, Carlos, to rip out the horrible floors and address the walls in the bedroom.

blistered wall, water damage from before the new roof / clogged gutter / the back of the house needs tuck pointing

I have given Vargas Tuck Pointing a deposit to address the exterior back wall. Tuck pointing is very important for brick homes! So that will be addressed, but in the mean time, Carlos got that bumpy plaster ripped out.

Yes, the floors under the carpet could probably be fixed up and made beautiful. I don’t want more hardwood floors to worry after. I *like* vinyl. Sheet vinyl. I like it. It’s easy to clean, and I think it looks cool.

eco cork foam

But before the vinyl goes the new underlayment. Carlos says this stuff was easy to work with. It was also pretty affordable. ET voted for cork, and so we got cork! Visible in the corner is all the plaster that got torn out. We now have this exposed brick area. This we didn’t address this project. I’m not sure what fix we’ll go with. We might leave it, we might put drywall over it, we might paint the whole room a mural that incorporates the exposed brick. Part of what I love about owning is I don’t have to decide now. We can work it out later. It’s fine! It’s great! Yay!

a bedroom with fantastic vinyl floors!

I came home to this, and I love it!

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