Reminded about a modified meme

the original on the right, I couldn’t leave it, I had to correct it

don’t just go through the motions – always give 100%
says the svelte blonde with perfect hair

I couldn’t stop myself

I had to correct the broken meme

a pole dancing sloth telling me not to do my best, but to rather do anything at all, to just go through the motions, try giving 10%, but even that I worry is too high

Meme Correction

White text on black background, looks like a boomer meme where they printed it out on a piece of paper (wasting ink like it’s affordable!)

if you think you are smarter than the previous generation … 50 years ago the owners manual of a car showed you how to adjust the valves. Today it warns you not to drink the contents of the battery.

black text on a white background which I added:

which means enough folks from the previous generation were drinking the battery for the warning to be added