I cried real hard. Snot escaping at velocity hard. I want to see my friends, I want to go out, I want to be able to focus. I feel guilty about how good I have it. I hate that I feel like I’m buying my safety from a supply chain that doesn’t support the people doing the hard work, I’m meaning Amazon and instacart but also parcel delivery folk and grocery store employees.
Today is going better. The stuff getting to me is still getting to me, but crying loosened something in my heart and I feel better for it.
My dad’s shrinks office called and he can have a telepresence meeting with him. This is good news as now would not be a good time for him to be manic (which is how he got a shrink).
All my previous new hair pictures were from before I re-did my hair dye. Which I did because I said I would on this blog.
I really like that on camera my hair looks pretty much like it used to, but in person, whoa, punk rock.