Surprise! Spring Break

Today ET went out and got groceries. He took pictures. Fresh produce is available, if you brave it. Laundry detergent is harder to get, unless you like bottom shelf organic stuff? 

I don’t think anyone has to go out again until the next prescription for Daddio is ready at the pharmacy. Of the four of us ET is the one going out to get things, because he’s fast and strong and smart and cautious. 

Today was a good day at the (home) office. I felt productive. After work I thought I needed to log in for my first synchronous online class. But no! It is Spring Break!

Oh yeah! Ready to party! In my house! Not outside! Party like it is pandemic time!

I feel silly I forgot about there being spring break. My brain keeps tossing any information it doesn’t think is ‘important’ out the window. This means my exocortex bullet journal notebook has been  

I’ve been using the app MarcoPolo to have asynchronous video conversations with some folk. It’s a neat app.

I’m going to try and shovel some Computer Networking information back into my head now.


Spoiler alert. I didn’t shovel anything into my head. I set a timer and deligently didn’t do any work while it ticked away.

I’ll try again tomorrow.

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